One Moment in Time
From left: Ben, Matt, Becky, Sarah, Josh When the children were very young and my days were filled with diapers and car pools, school conferences and laundry, I pined for free time just around the corner when I’d have a few hours each day to myself. In 1976, I imagined writing great prose, getting published, doing book tours. Sometimes, at midnight, I’d get a few lines written that made no sense the following day. Most of the time, I scrambled to make space for my creativity that I believed lurked just below the surface, if only I could reach it. A neighbor was kind enough to loan me her porch where I could store paper, a typewriter and have some distance from the household chaos. One afternoon, I’d written half a page when I heard Ben teasing Sarah on the front lawn. I called and asked the housekeeper to put Ben on the phone. “Stop driving your sister nuts.” I scolded. “Where are you?” Ben’s voice held amazement. “Everywhere!” I said and hung up. Ben wandered down the...